Tips for Starting the Week With a Better Mindset
Tips for Starting the Week With a Better Mindset
Whether it's a diet, a new workout plan or perhaps even a project for work, we always push things back to a Monday. Monday's are the start of the week, and therefore the unspoken perfect day to start anything new. Something deep within us tells us that because it is the start of a new week, Monday is the default day for anything.Many need to get out of this mindset and start that project now or stop off at Tesco's no matter what day of the week it is for some fresh, healthy food. However, the 'Monday Mindset' can come in handy when we think about our mental health. Having a bright, positive outlook on the week ahead can help you boost your mental health.Please keep reading to learn more about how you can start the week with a better mindset. If you set yourself up for success, you can push away symptoms of mental health issues like depression and anxiety, which only want to drag your mood down.
Set Weekly Goals
Some people love a checklist, while others might write one and then forget about it five hours later. Having a list of your weekly goals, and perhaps daily ones too, helps organise the week ahead. This means you won't be in a panic on Friday thinking about all the work you forgot to do with only one hour left till home-time.You can even set weekly personal goals, as well. Perhaps your anxiety makes it hard for you to step out the door and socialise with friends. You can challenge yourself one week to have a phone or Skype conversation with a friend, before setting yourself the goal to meet them for coffee the following week. Setting goals which you then achieve, makes you more motivated to overcome symptoms of your mental health disorder and be more positive each day.
Pick an End-of-the-Week Treat
Setting weekly goals is essential, but so is rewarding yourself after a long week. We're not talking about a weekend getaway or expensive days out every weekend, but slightly smaller treats to get yourself through the 52 weeks of 2020. Perhaps there is a specific type of chocolate you love or a new video game you wanted to play.Treats don't even have to have a monetary value. It can be something like a long, relaxing bath away from the kids. Or maybe even dedicating an evening to reading, playing games, sewing, knitting or whatever brings you joy. Rather than dragging yourself through the week to find yourself at home with work on the weekend, be productive at work and reward yourself with free time on Saturdays and Sundays.
Regularly Check-In With Yourself
It's essential you check-in throughout the week to make sure you are feeling well. We might start Monday feeling amazing, but by Wednesday the anxiety or depression is beginning to set in again. Perhaps you've had some bad news, faced a hard day at work or were put in a situation which caused you to stress. Events like this can make you feel like you want to scrap the whole week and start fresh next Monday.Don't let one or two little things put you in a mood for the rest of the week. Keep an eye on your mental health and mood by keeping a chart or diary where you can see when and why your mood dipped. Being able to look back on a day and see why you were happy or productive can motivate you to overcome this hurdle and take on the rest of the week.
Schedule a Therapy Session
Kick start your week with some expert support and guidance from a professional therapist. A therapist will help you understand your mental health more, as well as the disorder which causes you to stress or feel depressed. With better understanding comes the ability to control and suppress the symptoms which bring your mood down.By scheduling therapy on a Monday - or whatever day is the start of your working week - you prepare your mental health for the week ahead. You have new tips, tricks and advice on how to battle your mental health issues. Alternatively, scheduling a therapy session at the end of the week also allows you to assess everything which has happened this week, how it has impacted you and the progress of your mental health.Check out my website to learn more about my services as a therapist and how I can support and guide your mental health journey. With my expert advice and tried-and-tested tips, you can overcome mental health issues ranging from PTSD to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). With every client I work with, I develop a relationship so you can trust me enough to open up about the thoughts and feelings you may feel too afraid to share with family. Just take a look at my website today to learn more about therapy and its fantastic benefits.