Supporting Employee Mental Health
Supporting Employee Mental Health
We can all have a bad day; deadlines at work cause us stress; kids at home not behaving all day; an argument with a loved one putting you in a mood. But it’s when all of these ‘bad days’ seem to become one long stressful, anxious, or even depressive period that we need to intervene or else our mental health can become negatively affected.Employees can have several stressors in their life which impact their happiness and productivity at work. As an employer, you want your employees to be in the best mood possible to feel engaged with their activities, create top-quality work and meet deadlines. 12.1% of the UK’s total GDP is created by people who are at work and have or have had mental health problems. They are just as vital to our economy as employees who may not have experienced mental health issues. Therefore, we must strive as an employer to support these employees and ensure that their health and happiness improve.But, it also goes beyond this. As a boss, you need to be more than the person people come to for complaints. You should be providing your employees with adequate support for their mental health, recognising them as more than just employees but as humans with emotions.Support can come in many forms; it can be helping them meet deadlines, providing them with a helping hand on tough days, having a relaxed day every so often where they can let the stress roll off them. Support can even be through providing them with access to counselling for mental health. Please keep reading to get an in-depth look at how you can help your employees boost their mental health and happiness in 2021.
Reassess Deadlines and Expectations
One of the hardest things to do as a boss is to accept that we’ve made a mistake. This is hard for most people in any profession, but when the pressure is on us to make calls day in and day out, impacting our employees and clients, the stress can get too much for us. However, when looking to improve our employees’ mental health and happiness, it’s vital to reassess some of the things causing them to overwork and lose sleep.Most of the time, these things are related to deadlines and expectations. It’s time to take a step back and look at the pressure your employees face with tight deadlines. While employees need to be adaptable and work hard, short and snappy deadlines all the time can soon become stressful and overwhelming. It’s the same with expectations. We have to have high expectations of our workers, but taking these above and beyond can put too much pressure on them. Try and assess where you can amend these expectations and deadlines and make work life for your employees a little easier. They will be more productive and happier as a result!
Something Fun and Relaxed
Sometimes the thought of getting dressed up, going to work and putting in the hours is just too much. After a long week, the last thing we want to do is spend our Friday rushing about the office. It’s not because we hate our job but just that the stresses of the week seem to bundle up inside of us until they’re ready to burst. Rather than letting your employees’ stress bubble over, you need to provide them with a relaxing outlet. This can come in the form of ‘dress down Fridays’, ‘pizza Fridays’ or something else to this effect where they can have a more relaxed day at work where the pressure isn’t so intense. The excitement of this day will help motivate workers to be productive the rest of the week so that they can make the most of their time in the office playing ping pong, snacking on food and catching up with workmates (who they feel like they haven’t talked to in forever) - in between the odd task and phone call.
Access to Therapy
Sometimes, the best form of support for employees is to provide it through an outside outlet. Giving employees access to therapy for depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues is invaluable in boosting their morale, happiness, and productivity. Employees can talk to someone who understands the complexities of the mind and provide them with knowledge and advice unique to their situation.Remove the stigma attached to therapy and make it known that your employees can find the help they need through your business. This will help your employees be more open about their feelings in a space where they feel safe and heard, impacting the way they feel - and work - in the workplace.Please look at my website to learn more about my services as a therapist and dedication to supporting people understand their mental health. Through greater understanding comes a better chance at overcoming overwhelming mental health issues. And, with my ongoing support, you can look to a brighter, happier future with less stress. Don’t hesitate to contact me for a consultation if you want to reduce the stress in your life.