Grief & Loneliness: Why Bereavement Support Is Needed
The intersection of loneliness and grief is complicated. Loneliness is very often an uninvited friend of going through a bereavement alone. When grieving alone, you usually feel that the bereavement has become your life story and that it defines your future. When you are consumed by loss, it can become a struggle to maintain friendships and relationships. Due to this, the feeling of loneliness when grieving can seem unsolvable and inevitable.However, with bereavement support, you can find ways to find acceptance and overcome grief and loneliness.
Why do you feel lonely when you have experienced bereavement?
When you lose someone you love, it can feel as though nobody could ever imagine your heartbreak or relate to what you are going through. This can leave you feeling isolated and alone - even if there are people around you who are desperate to support you. It is never a good idea to lock yourself away and try to deal with your loss without a support network. Even with people to talk to, it can still be hard to overcome the situation. It’s important to accept that it is OK to remember someone who has died but pushing people away so you can be alone with your grief can make you feel lonely and drive a wedge between you and your loved ones.It is a sad part of life that is unavoidable. You will experience loss and bereavement, as will anybody. But for some, it can make them withdraw from close relationships in the future as they fear experiencing that loss again. This is not necessarily a healthy way to deal with a bereavement situation, and although it will take time, reaching out to new people and nurturing your connections will play a big part in your recovery.
How does therapy help people recover and find peace after a bereavement?
Grief and loneliness can affect you at any time, but they are particularly damaging after a bereavement. These difficult times can adversely affect your mental health, but bereavement support is always available. It can help you to accept and process the overwhelming emotions you are feeling in a safe and supportive environment. Sometimes it can be difficult to open up to a friend or family member about something as personal and private as losing a loved one, but this does not mean you should not share your feelings.Therapy is one of the best ways to overcome grief and loneliness. It helps you in multiple ways to recover and find peace after bereavement. Here are just a few ways it can help.
Right support through sharing
Grief therapy can provide you with the space to remember your loss and process its reality. Sharing your feelings with an experienced therapist allows you to feel closer to your lost friend or family member through your loss experience. Many people feel they are unable to share their feelings with loved ones as they don’t want to upset them or make them feel worse, whereas, with a therapist, you are free to talk openly and even encouraged to do so. The therapist offers you the space to reconnect and get all your inner thoughts and feelings out.If you are looking for some help in this matter, I am highly experienced when it comes to grief therapy and have helped countless people to navigate their emotions after being bereaved. If you would like to learn more, click here.
Improved quality of life
Once you are comfortable sharing your feelings with a therapist, they will then help you to find coping techniques and outlets for handling your emotions. The loss you experienced is great, and that person could never be replaced, but it is important to find acceptance and a path forward. Together, you will work to improve your quality of life and look for ways to let go of the emotions that are consuming you. Your therapist will help you to structure your thoughts and feelings constructively whilst honouring the memory of your lost loved one. They will never try to make you forget the person you love - they will just provide you with guidance on how to be thankful for the time you had with them, accept that they have died, and continue with your life in a way that makes sense for you.
Flexible approach to identifying underlying problems
In some cases, going through bereavement can trigger other mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression. Experienced therapists will be able to recognise the signs and help you to identify the root cause. For example, I have supported people who have developed health anxiety after losing a loved one to an unexpected health complication. It is completely normal to have this response to such a traumatic life event. Together, we can uncover the extent of your distress, utilise different strategies to process your loss and reduce your feelings of loneliness, and work towards improving your mental health. Grief and loneliness can affect your physical and mental health in many ways. Fortunately, therapy provides an efficient and effective treatment to overcome these feelings and help you to find acceptance. If you need help to overcome grief, I have a clinic in Warrington and also offer online therapy sessions where I can support you through this difficult period and work with you to find a brighter future.