Covid-19: How to Look After Your Mental Wellbeing
Covid-19: How to Look After Your Mental Wellbeing
It's strange to think that at the beginning of 2020, we were planning the year ahead of us, focusing on what goals we wanted to achieve and how we were going to spend the next decade. Little did we know that a global pandemic was going to hit, and our lives may never be the same.Some of you may have continued to work, whereas the rest of you may be sitting at home wondering how to spend your days in order to feel productive and not get caught up in your own thoughts. However you're spending your lockdown, it is important that we take care of our mental health so that when normality returns, we are in the right mindset.As a counsellor, I am fully aware of what's at stake when it comes to our mindsets during such an uneasy and uncertain time. Because of this, I have written this blog post to give you guidance on how I believe is best to look after your well-being during Covid-19. Whether you're at work or are trying to fill your days with as many tasks as you feel is deemed productive, this blog post was created with you in mind. Please keep reading and remember, stay safe and stay home.
Being At Work During Covid-19
If you're a keyworker having to work during the Covid-19 outbreak, it is imperative that you're not only taking the extra precautions to stay safe and healthy but taking care of your mental well-being too. If you strip back the conditions, you're essentially working during a very frightening time that's leaving you at an even higher risk.Because of this, ensuring that you're having downtime and voicing your concerns if you're in a situation that you're uncomfortable in is essential. By having downtime, you can catch your breath and remind yourself of the amazing act that you're doing for our country. Like in any job, taking time for yourself is vital so that you don't burn out or lose sight of your goals and worth.In terms of voicing your concerns, I understand that this can be difficult. If you're in a care-related or NHS-based job, the likelihood of you being in high-risk situations is somewhat inevitable. However, if you don't feel that you're mentally capable of taking on a task or a certain individual, as it triggers emotions that you're not ready to address, you must notify your leader. By doing these, you will have a better chance of continuing your job to the best of your ability while also staying positive and in the right mindset.
Being at Home During Covid-19
If you're at home because you have been made redundant, furloughed, a student or are simply just out of work, this can be a very challenging time for your mental health too. Not only do you have to occupy yourself once you've done your hour-long walk of the day, but you also want to have some substance to your weeks too.Feeling unmotivated? Trust me, you're not the only one. During a time that has so many restrictions, it's natural to feel like you can't be bothered to get ready for the day and begin getting on with those jobs in the house that you've been putting off for months. But trust me when I say by giving yourself some kind of routine during the lockdown, you will have a lesser struggle of reverting back to normality when all of this is over.Whether you get at least one productive thing done in a day is entirely up to you, but by getting up and ready, you won't feel that another 'day is wasted'. This doesn't mean that you should put pressure on yourself to accomplish lots in one day; by having this mindset, you will only beat yourself up. Everybody is struggling one way or another at the moment, whether they are bored or worried. For those at home, doing what you love and enjoy each day will ensure that you stay positive and smiling. By undergoing basic self-care and doing an activity, whether that be a new hobby or a job you've been putting off, you will feel a sense of accomplishment that you might have felt still being at work.I hope I have given you some perspective on the struggles that you may be facing during the lockdown. Your mental and physical health are both just as important, so please ensure that you're taking care of yourself so that when all of this is over, you can resume your life and look towards a brighter future.If you'd like further guidance on how to look after your mental well-being during the Covid-19 lockdown, please don't hesitate to contact me at 07914 952723. As a counsellor, I am currently offering online counselling sessions via video call or phone call for those who need extra support during this tough time. I hope that you continue your lockdown in good health, both mentally and physically and stay safe.