Overcoming the Fear of Death
Overcoming the Fear of Death
The fear of death isn’t irrational; with so many mysteries and religions surrounding our existence, no one truly knows what happens when we die. This confusion is enough to work people into a frenzy, fearing death completely. Not knowing what happens makes us wonder if it all just stops - if there’s no ‘us’ after death. The fear of death can leave us afraid of trying new things, being adventurous and sometimes even just feeling secure enough to leave the house. It can inhibit our social connections and leave us missing out on so much in life.We don’t need to live with this fear affecting our lives. But, how can you stop the fear of death? Do you even know why you fear it so much? As a counsellor, I have come to learn why people fear death so much and I work with them to alleviate these feelings. Read on, to learn more about the fear of death and how you can overcome it.Why Are You Scared of Death?People can fear death for various reasons, but all can have a strong, lasting impact on their mental health. Unexpected deaths of family members or friends can often cause a person to think deeply about death, and it’s meaning. But, with no solid answers about where we end up, people can start to fear that their loved ones are lost forever and worry about their own mortality, determined not to die prematurely as their friend or family member may have. Unexpected deaths bring a realisation to the people affected about the unpredictability of death and how it will eventually happen to everyone. This harsh look at reality often scares people into fearing death, too aware of the dangers behind everything they do or see in their daily life.Sometimes a traumatic event can spark the fear of death, such as a near-death experience, an act of terrorism, domestic violence, or even being the victim of a crime. In these cases, the fear is usually as a result of an isolated incident that made the person realise how close to death they actually were, or how delicate life really is. This realisation then plays on their mind and makes them more aware of how dangerous their surroundings are, causing them to feel crippling anxiety. Even the media can have a negative impact on people’s outlook on life and death. Some news stories, movies and social media posts can make us question our belief surrounding death and look at the impact it has on other people. While some people can handle this, for others it creates confusion that leads them to fear death completely. How Can You Overcome Your Fear?The fear of death can have a firm hold on a person, and so it can seem unimaginable to them that they will ever overcome it. But, with the right help, this is entirely possible. The fear of death is a common fear and is nothing to be ashamed of. At the same time, you shouldn’t just brush the fear aside and say it’s too pathetic or unimportant for anyone to care about helping you. If your fear of death has a negative impact on your daily life, then it is something you should seek help for.Counsellors know how to work with people who have uncontrollable fears, whether it's of death, commitment or even something as yet only in the subconscious. By being open and honest with them, your counsellor can help you to understand why you fear death so much and the very good reasons you haven’t been able to get over it. Due to your fear, trying to do this yourself can be hard as it may make you feel more scared and concerned. But, with experienced help, your counsellor can help to keep the situation controlled and enable you to express your feelings effectively and safely without deepening your fear.Once you have discussed why you feel so afraid, your counsellor can help you to overcome your fear by encouraging you to accept that death doesn’t need to dominate your thoughts or inhibit your life. They can provide tips on how to accept your fear and move on with your life, helping you to overcome any hiccups along the way.Fearing death isn’t irrational, but it can be limiting on your life if you focus on it too much. While we may never have answers to the questions we ask, finding ways not to overthink it so much will help us live our life to the fullest. If you fear death and think you could benefit from therapy, contact me today to learn more about how I can help you to live a happier fear-free life.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]