

couples counselling


couples therapy




How Therapy Can Help You Maintain Healthier Relationships

January 23, 2023

Liddy Carver



How Therapy Can Help You Maintain Healthier Relationships

Therapy is a powerful tool which can offer you the answers to many pressing questions that you may ask yourself. When suffering from various conditions, such as depression or anxiety or when trying to manage the emotions that come with trauma or abuse, this can be a very effective treatment. But how can therapy help you maintain a healthy relationship? A relationship issues therapist can provide you and your partner with a joint course of sessions, or you can opt for individual therapy instead.However, both methods have a high success rate when helping relationships.

When should you seek therapy for your relationship?

You can seek out counselling on relationship issues at any time. Studies show that effective therapy sessions help restore 75% of relationships. So when the time feels right for you, seek out therapy. A 'right' time could be shortly after an argument or if you're on a break from each other. It all depends on your particular situation and what you aim to achieve. For example, do you want to continue or end the relationship? It would be best if you decided on this before you book in for therapy.Individual therapy can help if you are experiencing communication issues from your side of the relationship. If you don't know how to express your feelings, a therapist can help you identify how to communicate them in your own unique and healthy way. Not only that, but you can learn other valuable skills, such as self-appreciation, which can boost the morale in your relationship. During this time of reflection, you can learn how to make better decisions to benefit both of you and seek ways to calm yourself when in an argument. We can all lose control of our emotions, but if you undergo therapy sessions, you may find a way to appreciate and manage them more easily.

Couples therapy is also available to you.

Another option which you can utilise is couples therapy. Couples therapy is where you and your partner can sit down with a therapist to find a resolution that cultivates trust, love and honesty. All advice your therapist gives is done so in your best interest. What you and your partner want may differ, however. This therapy for relationship issues aims to provide you with what you both want. For example, maybe your partner wants to carry on, but you want closure. The best way to find this out is to communicate openly. If you do, the answers will crystallise as the therapy continues.

How therapy helps you maintain a healthy relationship.

Do you often ask yourself if counselling will help your relationship? Then read on to find out more:

Therapy helps boost your self-relationship.

Have you ever considered the relationship you have with yourself? When you're in a healthy relationship with yourself, you embrace your strengths and weaknesses and, above all, value yourself. However, if you're in a negative relationship with yourself, others around you, such as your partner, will feel these detrimental emotions. Therapy aims to help boost your self-love and ensure that you are happy in your skin, allowing you to focus your love on your other half. As they say, you can't love someone completely until you love yourself. Not to mention, the sense of well-being which will shine through.

Therapy helps you deal with relationship conflict.

Relationships with lots of conflicts can inflict stress, which increases your chances of developing acne, anxiety, burnout, depression and more. If you do a course in couples therapy, it offers a safe place for you to work out your differences in a much more civil manner. Your relationship issues counsellor will sit you down and discuss the conflict from both sides. Through a therapy course, you'll inevitably decrease your stress levels and learn how to avoid harmful disputes in the future with your partner.

Therapy helps you learn healthy communication strategies.

There are many exercises that you can practise to help boost your quality of communication; for example, validation exercises. This exercise helps you fully connect and instil trust in your partner. It allows you to tap into your values for them and vice versa. Partner exercises such as this teach you how to talk and listen healthily. While a therapy session is a safe space to discuss your intimate issues, you can also take the exercises home.

Therapy helps you to manage stress.

Any therapy helps you to manage stress. You can do this by talking to a therapist because it can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. Most of us tend to release stress negatively. But therapy is a constructive way to let go of these emotions and learn new techniques for various situations. For example, emotions are even harder to resolve when they run high during an argument.Relationships take time to maintain. But if you receive the right help and support from a relationship issues therapist, you will begin to live a much happier and healthier life with your partner. As a person-centred counsellor based in Warrington, Cheshire, I have a wealth of experience in helping all my clients find the right solutions for them. If you would like to learn more about how I work - or if you want to book a session - please visit my website and let's get you on the road to recovery.

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